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Joining our club

Club membership is based on the calendar year. In order to join the club please email where you will be invited to submit profile information and requested to:

  1. Read the club constitution document and confirm by email that you have read, understood and agree with the contents.

  2. Join Cycling Ireland via (leisure membership is required for insurance purposes. During your registration with Cycling Ireland please affiliate yourself with us (Syls CC). 

  3. Also on Cycling Ireland, please pay the Annual Syls CC Membership fee.

  4. Upon completion of your Cycling Ireland application,  Syls CC will receive notification and action your request for membership. 

  5. You will receive the club Welcome Pack and access to the club What's App group and Strava for updates on weekly spins, social and other activities. 

  6. You will be asked to request  access to  the Syls CC Strava Club for details on weekly spins.

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